Yay, moms!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there and to those who are about to be moms (like me)!  I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday.

Since I am going to be a mom in a month (holy cow, time to freak out), K was super sweet and treated me to my own Mother’s Day.  He made me breakfast – pancakes and eggs – yum!  And, he got me a few new charms for my Pandora bracelet.  I can’t tell you what two of them are because they are Mini Mullan’s initials, but he did get a little teddy bear and Mini’s birthstone, assuming she’s born in June.  This was such a sweet and thoughtful gift!  Thanks, k!

We then spent the rest of the day playing with the pups at the dog park and had a horrible time trying to get Elvis out of the water.  All he wanted to do was play fetch in the pond.  We eventually had to hide his toy and he followed us around whining.  Poor thing!  And, Uma was in rare form.  She went swimming three times!  And for her, swimming is just taking a dip in the shallow end of the pond.  We are not sure she knows how to swim.  But, she did splash around and dunk her head under water!  There must be something in that pond water that makes dogs hyper because as soon as she got out she started running and trying to get other pups to chase her.  Normally at the dog park, Uma just wanders around, peeing on things and sniffing other dogs.  She was having a blast yesterday.  And now today, she is still sleeping!

How did you spend your Mother’s Day?  No matter how you spent it, I hope it was fantastic!


Enjoy your day,




Weekend plans…

…were rained out.  Booooo.

So, that means I didn’t get to refinish any of my furniture or use my new sander.  Boo.

And, I did not get to reorganize my office because I could not find the shelving I wanted.  However, k found something better…


6 giant fruit crates from our local market.  For FREE!  Yep, that’s right.  Go K, go!  I have been wanting these smaller wooden crates from JoAnn’s but I didn’t want to spend that much money on them.  I wanted to stack them up and build shelves/cubbies.  Well, I didn’t want to spend $12 on each crate, so k and I went looking around for something similar.  Well, after we couldn’t find anything, k hopped on the internet and searched for fruit crates but we couldn’t find anything less than $10/crate.  That was still more than I wanted to pay.  Then, k had his brilliant idea and called over to our market.  They said they get tons of fruit crates in and if they can’t use them for displays, they throw them out.  k found out they had 6 crates that they were planning on getting rid of and k said we’d take them.  We drove right over and loaded up my car with these 6 awesome crates.  Good job, k!!  My plan for these puppies is to build 3 together to make a bookcase.  I need to sand and stain or paint them too.  This is my labor day weekend project! Wahoo!  And, now I will have 2 new, huge, bookcases that cost me nothing.  How great is that?!

So, even though my weekend projects were rained out, I now have those and a new project to look forward to this weekend.

Aside from that, we were really boring this weekend.  We stayed in and watched movies all weekend.  d didn’t feel good, plus it was raining, so it made for a good weekend to lay around.  We did venture out to take the pups to the dog park pond.  Elvis made a new friend that kept stealing his toy.  We had to wait for this pup to be distracted by something else before we could throw Elvis’ toy into the pond.  And, Elvis wouldn’t let his toy out of his sight.  If another dog came near him while he was holding his toy in his mouth, he would growl.  It was really amusing.  He’s very protective of his toys.  This is how he rode in the car on the way home…

He wanted to make sure no one touched his toy…not even his brother or sister.  Goofy dog.

The pups were pretty exhausted the rest of the day.  Swimming in the pond takes a lot out of them.  When we settled in on the couch for the night, this is what I found…


I’m not exactly sure why dog-cat#2 was tired.  He spends all day in that exact spot, looking out the window.  But, he did made for a good cuddle buddy.  And Elvis makes for a good foot stool, according to Oskar.





That’s about all the excitement our weekend held.  How was yours?  Did you do anything exciting?

Enjoy your day,





Nothing exciting over here

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

I’m sad to report that there is absolutely nothing exciting happening over here.  Nothing.  Nada. 

This has been a very boring week for the blog.  I don’t really think you want to hear about my trip to the grocery store last night and how I saved $75 and bought enough food to cook dinner for 30 days, do you?!  I didn’t think so.  So, like I said, boring. 

We don’t even have any exciting plans for the weekend, yet.  There is still time.  I do know that I will be using my new electric sander on a few projects around the house.  And, that also means a trip to my favorite store, Home Depot, to buy paint.  And, we will take a trip to the dog park, like we always do.  And, our pool closes on Labor Day, so we HAVE to go and soak up as much sun as we can before it closes.  So, I think it sounds like I pretty fantastic weekend…but, not really blog-worthy.  Sorry.  I’ve got nothing. 

I will post pictures of my projects, before and after.  I will probably also post pictures of the zoo, because, let’s face it, that’s why you guys keep coming back here.  For the cute squishy faces of the zoo.  It’s okay.  I understand.

Ooh, I forgot.  We are going to Hobby Lobby this weekend too.  Eep.  Another one of my favorite stores!  I’m organizing and rearranging my office/craft room this weekend and I am in desperate need of new yarn (those two are unrelated but both reasons why I’m going to Hobby Lobby.  I just thought I should let you know that I’m not organizing my office with yarn.  Carry on).  I have about 1,238 friends/family that are preggo right now and I am a baby blanket making machine.  Watch out! 

I’ll post pictures of the blankets as I finish.  I’m also adding them to my Etsy shop, so keep your eyes out for those! 

So, my weekend is looking more exciting for me…probably not for you.  Sorry to bore you all. 

I’ll try to come up with something clever and witty for tomorrow’s post.  Don’t hold your breath. 

Enjoy your day & do something exciting for me,

Happy Birthday!


Look at that cute, little face!  Happy Birthday, Elvis!

Elvis is our only animal that we know the date of his birth.  We know that Uma was born in November 2005 and that Charlie was born in January 2006, but we don’t know the exact day.  So, we just sort of celebrate their birthdays some time during those months.  We don’t know when Oskar’s birthday is, but we adopted him in April, so we celebrate then.  And as for Sebastian, who knows!  We aren’t even sure how old he is, hehe.  We only know that he is giant and will keep getting bigger.  Yay!  I love giant, dog-like cats!  I’m hoping he’ll surpass mountain lion size and start to scare the neighborhood children.  Hey, everyone has goals.  This is mine.  Don’t judge.

Back to Elvis!

We do know Elvis’ birthday:  July 3, 2006.  So we celebrate!  Our doggy birthday celebrations usually include vanilla ice cream for the pups, accompanied by a brain freeze (They don’t understand how to stop eating ice cream.  They have this in common with k). And this year we’ll probably take them to our new, favorite dog park with the pond.  They love, love, love to swim!  I think that sounds like a pretty great birthday.  Maybe that’s what I’ll do for my birthday…eat ice cream and swim.  Maybe at the same time.  Hey, it’s my birthday and I can do what I want!  (K, take note of this.)


Happy birthday to Elvis and to all of you out there who are celebrating today!!  Especially Elvis’ brother, Presley!  Happy birthday, Presley!!

Enjoy your day,


Over the weekend…

…We went with friends to Fort Worth for the Main Street Art Fest.
*We almost died due to G’s driving!
*G may have mentioned that we should have just rode our “big dog” instead of ride with her.
*That probably would have been a safer choice, hehe.

…I snapped a picture of k with a giant rooster.  That’s really nothing out of the ordinary, folks.

…We ate Cajun food for the first time.
*Ok, so I played it safe and ordered popcorn shrimp and fries (and now I’m working my tail off this week to make up for it).
*But, k ordered something I can’t pronounce and it did not look or smell all that appetizing, but he liked it.
*And, he may or may not have tried alligator as an appetizer.  He may or may not have been kissed by me later that night (I’ll
let you guess the correct answer on that one, ew.)

*Really?  Cat Basket?  Cat Platter?  How does that sound appetizing?  Poor cats!

…We may or may not have frozen our tails off at the art fest, after the sun went down.  What the pluck, Texas?!  I didn’t move here so you could get into the 50s at night.

…{d&k} did a lot of yard work and even planted flowers.

…Took a trip to the Farmer’s Market and had a blast!  We bought flowers, fruits & veggies, and even had lunch there.
* Apparently the theme for the weekend was Rooster!

* And, they sell sculpted shrubs…in either llama shape or Garfield.  Who knew?!  I think a llama shrub on either side of the front porch would look fantastical!  K thinks otherwise.  Whatevs, k.  You just don’t know style when you see it.

…We had a lazy Sunday night, consisting of eating take-out on the couch, playing goofy video games (in which my arm seriously hurts today), and watching stupidly funny movies (ie, Gnomeo & Juliet…watch it, it’s funny!)

…We took the pups to the dog park.
*Elvis wore himself and another pup out.  That pup’s owner came up to thank us.  Haha.
*Uma’s greyhound buddy, Polly Pocket, was there.  They had fun catching up (at least I assume they did).
*Oskar met another pug and insisted on sitting right next to him and confusing his owner.  That’s my pug!


Overall, we had a great weekend!  What did you do?

Enjoy your Monday,


PS — It is almost MAY!?!?  Where did April go?!?!?!


Apparently I’ve been MIA…

Hey there!  Apparently I’ve been a little MIA lately.  Sorry about that!  I have been super busy with Bee For The Day – Dallas...woohoo!  It’s been weddings, weddings, and more weddings over here.  {d&k} went to a huge (over 300 vendors!!) bridal show in downtown Dallas over the weekend and k was such a champ.  He was scoping out different bakeries and photographers for me, dropping off my card at booths, and of course, sampling the cake.  We have to know who has the best cake in Dallas.  The only way to find that out is to try them all.  That’s where k comes in!  K also enjoyed laughing at all of the goofy dj’s.  Some were dancing (and you know that’s what they do at weddings) and others were just plain odd.  They all, of course, had on their tuxedos with coordinating bow ties and vests, and in the most obnoxious-look-at-me-colors!  There was a haze surrounding all of their booths, most likely from the mix of cologne and hairspray, but one can only guess.

K was rewarded quite nicely for going to the bridal show with me…he went to a Mavs game that night and had a blast.  He even sang “Jessie’s Girl” in front on 20,000 fans.  I know.  I still have a hard time believing it, even with the help of the video posted on his Facebook page.  Go ahead, check it out.

Hmmm…let’s see…what else have we been up to?!  Well, the weather has been very nice here (Ohioans, you cannot be upset with me since it has been very nice there too…just sayin’!) so we’ve been spending a lot of time outside with the pups.  We visited a new dog park (our regular park was “closed due to standing water” from the monsoon) and we did not like it at all.  There were a few aggressive pups that we picking on dogs and the owners did nothing to stop it.  It was also very loud.  There were lots of dogs barking, which is very unlike a dog park.  I’m guessing they were upset by the aggressive pups too.  Anyways, we didn’t stick around long.  Plus, “Humpy” the labradoodle would not leave this poor German Shepard alone.  Elvis tried to break “it” up but did not have much success.  I scooped him up and took him to the opposite side of the park…there was no way I was letting my little man get involved with Humpy.  He’d get hurt.  Humpy was big!  So, needless to say, we will not be going back to that dog park.  We did overhear someone telling Humpy’s mom about our dog park.  Fingers (and tails) crossed he doesn’t show up there!

Sadly, I can’t think of anything else that’s been going on around here, aside from the fact that we’ve been busy.  And, my brain is a little mushy so I can’t even think of why we’ve been so busy.

As of right now, we have no plans this weekend (I know, can you believe it?!).  I know that will change, but for now it is nice to say we have no plans!  I will make sure I take lots of photos for you and document our weekend (whether we do something fun or not, hehe) to share with you all next week.

Enjoy your day,

Dad said to blog, so I am…

My dad, DW, asked me tonight if I had blogged yet today. I felt like I was in high school and he was asking my brother if he’d done his homework. (Because, let’s face it, he’d never ask if I did my homework because I always did my homework).
DW: Did you do your homework yet?
Brother: No, not yet.
DW: Well, what are you waiting for????
So, dad, here you go. (Drumroll please…) Here is today’s blog!!!!

I am a machine. A painting machine. I wanted to get all of the rooms in the new house painted before all of our belongings arrive here on Friday. So far, I am further than I was expecting to be today. Yesterday I painted the dining room and our bedroom and today I painted the kitchen, family room, and spare bedroom #1. Holy cow, that’s 5 of 6 rooms completed in 2 days. So yes, I am a MACHINE! It also helps that I love, love, love painting! It’s like coloring, only bigger!!!! Staying in the lines is a huge plus and the colors are always your favorites. What’s not to love about painting?! Yes, dad, I know you hate painting. (Clearly I did not get this trait from you, along with our disgust for some of the most common vegetables). And no, I will not help you paint the house next year!

Today, along with my fun-filled day of painting, k and I also took the pups to the dog park. This was their first day at a dog park and they loved it! Uma ran the perimeter and then decided to sheepdog a few bigger dogs. This would have been fine except for the nipping at their sides. Turns out, that’s frowned upon at the dog park. So, we had to put the “muzzle of shame” on her. To say she was not happy is an understatement. She went over to the shady part of the park and laid down! She. was. done. So k thought he should go over and apologize for putting her muzzle on. He crouched down and told her he was sorry and she looked away! She wanted nothing to do with him. Ha! What a little princess! A little while later, she got up to join a pack of pups playing and they started to sniff her muzzle of shame. She got embarrassed and went back to the shade. Poor thing. Elvis spent the entire time running from pack to pack, sniffing, jumping, wiggling, running, and more running. He was in heaven. Oskar on the other hand could have cared less that there were dogs there. He spent the entire hour trying to pee on every tree there. I think that was his personal mission for the day. He was the hardest one to try to get to leave. He looked at me, then back at the patch of trees he had yet to pee on and ran off towards the trees. Forget you mom, my squirt gun is full and those trees need watering! I had to pick him up and carry him to the car. Grumpy little weirdo-dog.

Other randomness from today:
* The bedroom doors in the new house don’t latch when closed. The cats think it is hilarious to tap the doors with their paws whenever they walk by and pop the doors open. Drives. Me. Crazy. One minute, all doors are closed, the next, all doors open and pups have free reign of the house. I don’t think so!
* Uma thinks the best kind of foot stool is a cat. Specifically Charlie. Poor Charlie.
* {d}: I LOVE painting!
{k}: Are you high?
{d}: Probably! I’ve painted 5 rooms in 2 days. I think the smell has singed off my nose hairs!

Now, please enjoy some photos…
Here are a few of the pups from the road-trip-across-the-country:

Elvis, laying on top of my yarn while leaning up again k's head rest. Weirdo.

The pooch, using my shoulder as a head rest. Again, weirdo.

Road trips are best when shared with a brother.

k did not tell me I left the house wearing my slippers. Thanks k, thanks. (And I didn't notice until we'd been at the dog park for 10 minutes. Wow.)

Best foot stool evah!

Well, that’s it for my randomness today. Dad, I hope you enjoyed this little post.

Until next time, enjoy your day!