K’s Funnies

So, I secretly write down all of the goofy things k says so I can later blog about them.  Funny?  Yes.  Sneaky?  Definitely.  Evil?  Possibly.  But, k hardly ever keeps up with what I’m blogging about, so he doesn’t know.  Shhhh, don’t tell him.

Here are some of his latest goodies:

{d} – I think Sir Pennington would be a great cat name.

{k} – It’s Lord Pennington!  And that’s Brittany’s cats name on Glee.  Geez.

{d} – Wow.  How do you know that?!

{k} – I watch Glee.  So what.  {Googling}  Aw man, its Lord Tubbington.  So close!


{d} – You fight like Pokemon.

{k} – You smell like Pokemon!

{d} – What?! Pokemon smells great!  He’s a Picaccu!


{k} – What’s the worst thing that could happen when you are standing up to pee?

{d} – I have a pretty long list.  Do you want them all?  Missing the toilet, peeing on your leg, peeing on your shoe…

{k} – No!  What’s the worst thing??

{d} – Those all seem pretty bad.

{k} – It’s an earthquake.

{d} – What?!  Is this what you talked about at your work meeting tonight?!?

{k} – No.  What’s the second worse thing?

{d} – {blank stare}

{k} – The lights go out.  I know this because it happened to me.  Tonight.  At 7-11.

{d} – Ew.  You went to the bathroom at 7-11?!?  That’s right by our house.  You couldn’t wait?!?

{k} – No!  It was an emergency!  Anyways, I went in and there were 3 light switches….On, Auto, and Off.  Auto was flipped up so I waved my arms until the lights came on.  Then, I went over to do my thing and the lights went off.  So I had to wave my arms again to get them to come back on.  Then they went off again.  This happened a few more time.  It wasn’t pretty.

{d} – Hold on….can you start over?  I need to blog this ridiculousness.


{k} – I think it would be really funny if you crocheted yourself into your blanket.  {Insert evil laugh}


Well, there you have it.  That’s my husband and soon to be father.  Wow.  There are no words.


Enjoy your day,

Our weekend adventures

Well hello there!  How’s everyone’s first week of August going?  Can you believe it is August already?!  Where has the year gone?

We were lucky enough to celebrate the beginning of August with our fantastic friends!  Bestest, her hubby, and little man were in town and we had a great time!  We kept things pretty low-key and spent a lot of time at home, hanging out in the air conditioning, watching the Olympics, and waiting for little man to wake up from his naps.  We also ate some really, really good food and, since we had a 2-year-old with us all weekend, got to act like little kids and get away with it!  It was a pretty awesome weekend.  See for yourself:

We took little man to the pool and to the splash pad. {d&k} had never been to a splash pad before and it was am.az.ing! I didn’t think we would be able to get k to leave. I think he was having more fun than the kids. But, we won’t be able to go back anytime soon because I think that two grown adults hanging out at the splash pad without kiddos qualifies as creepy. Too bad.

We had an adult date night at a fantastic little restaurant called Cane Rosso. I saw it on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives a few months ago and knew we had to go. It was delicious. Clearly, from the picture, we couldn’t wait to snap a picture before diving into the pizza. So, this is what you get. A practically licked clean plate. In fact, k may have been licking the plate. Hmmm…

You know that really awkward moment when your husband and your bestest’s hubby start holding hands during dinner? Oh, you’ve never experienced that moment?! I wish we hadn’t either.

We took little man to the aquarium and we all had a blast. I will never get sick of the aquarium! Little man had a good time too. After he looked at an animal for a minute or two, he would yell, “ELSE” letting us know it was time to move on to the next animal. It was pretty funny. So, even though the aquarium was packed, we made it through it record time, thanks to little man keeping us on a tight schedule. We even got to see the penguins during feeding time, which is my favorite thing to see, except for the otters.

We, of course, had to make the usual yummy pit stops. We went to Snuffers (or as bestest calls it, Snuffies – hehe, which I like better) for their awesome cheese fries and burgers. We also went out for ice cream sandwiches and, as you can see from k, they were delicious. I am definitely paying for all the good food we ate this week. It’s a lot harder to move at the gym. Oof.

The zoo loved little man. When Elvis wasn’t trying to jump up and lick little man’s face, he would cuddle with him any chance he got. Oskar would lay outside of his door until he fell asleep at night, and Uma would pace and whine outside his door until he got up in the morning. The cats felt a little indifferent about him. They were fine for a while, until little man pulled Sebastian across the wood floor. By the tail. I think the other cats witnessed that because they hid the rest of the weekend. Even Sebastian would lay on his tail when little man was around. I think they secretly liked the attention.

After little man went back to Ohio, the pugs fell into a sleep coma for 2 days. They are still a little worn out. Trying to lick, cuddle, and keep up with a 2-year-old is hard work!

Well, there you have it. That’s what we did over the weekend with our favorite people. Stayed tuned to see what we have planned for this weekend!

Enjoy your day,

Inappropriate or Awesome

I’ve decided to start a new post, called Inappropriate or Awesome.  I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, but in case you don’t understand….I decided to take photos of things that are either inappropriate or awesome and then blog about it.  Now, these things can pertain to {d&k} or they can just be random.  I’m pretty sure they will most likely all pertain to {d&k}, hehe.

And, here we go…


It’s inappropriate to send your 10 & 12-year-old nephews their birthday presents in these boxes:

(Don’t worry, I felt too guilty and switched them to non-alcoholic boxes.  Who does this?!  What kind of aunt am I?!?)


It’s awesome when you get up in the morning to find this:

(Best husband evah!)

It’s inappropriate to dress your oldest, grumpiest dog up for Cinco de Mayo and let your party guests take photos of him…

(But look at that cute little face!  This one might be a little awesome too!)


It’s inappropriate to make fun of dw for texting mistakes, when his fingers are clearly too big for his iPhone keyboard…

(Haha, I crack myself up.  dw didn’t even think it was funny.  This one can be categorized under awesome too!)


It’s inappropriate to make your husband get a picture like this in the middle of the Farmer’s Market:

(Look how sad he is.  Thanks for being a good sport, k.  And you’re welcome that I’m an awesome wife!)


It’s awesome to find a statue that looks exactly like your dog!  It’s not awesome to charge $80 for it!

(What the pluck, HomeGoods, what the pluck?!)


Well, there you have it.  The first installment of Inappropriate or Awesome was a success.  Even though the majority of pictures were inappropriate.  Eh, it is what it is.  Stayed tuned for the next Inappropriate or Awesome!


Enjoy your day & do something inappropriate AND awesome today!


Random Wednesday Funnies

Hi everyone!

I hope Wednesday is treating you well!  Happy Middle-Of-The-Week!!  Any big plans this weekend?  I have my first Dallas wedding and I’m so excited!!  I will fill you all in next week 🙂

On to the funnies….

So, I should probably give you a little background on The Llamas.  In college, there were 6 of us that lived together.  Our junior year we lived off-campus.  One night, 4 of 6 were walking across campus for a meeting of some sorts, when a group of guys walked past us and yelled, “Sexy Mamas!”  Right.  Ridiculous.  Well, being the nerdy girls that we were/are, we hear “sexy LLAMAS.”  So became the nickname of our little group.  The Llamas.  Whenever we had a party or friends were coming over, they would refer to our apartment as, The Llama Pad.  And, through the years, the name has stuck.  There are 3 Llamas that remain best llama friends and we, of course, still refer to ourselves as The Llamas.  And, our husbands also refer to us as The Llamas.  They, however, are not Llamas.  They are Llama husbands.  Huge difference here, folks.

Anyways, the Llama husbands think it’s funny to pick on us.  Here’s is a recent attempt:

So, now you know.  Llamas don’t punch back. They bite. Or pinch the back of your arms (ladies, if you do not know this trick, let me know.  I’ll teach you.   Best.weapon.evah).  And, if in the odd chance they do punch back, just nuzzle.  Not faint.  I got the studies mixed up.

I think Just Nuzzle should be Nike’s new slogan.  Hmmm.  I think I’m on to something here.  Not only does Google owe me royalties for having my brain, but Nike will have to pay me, as well, for coming up with their new slogan.  YES!  Ok, first I’m going to buy a shiba inu, then a yacht.  Next I’ll work on my own lake.  Lake Dani.  It has a great ring to it, no?

Happy Wednesday!  Enjoy your day!  Oh, and go buy some Nike’s 🙂