Mini Mullan’s Room, Part 2

Hello friends!

Guess what!?  Mini Mullan’s room is almost finished!! Woohoo!  But, before I show you the entire room, I have another little sneak peek for you.  Are you ready?
This is the changing station. This is hanging directly above the dresser/changing table. It will soon be filled with diapers, wipes, and all things baby! How cute is this?!
Peg Board – Home Depot
Wire Baskets – Home Depot
Burlap Sacks – Laurie Anna’s

This was my inspiration from Pinterest:


I have Mini Mullan’s initial that will hang, but that’s a secret for now 🙂


Here is her adorable crib and bedding. I’m not a matchy-matchy person, especially when it comes to bedding, so I scoured the internet looking for bedding and here’s what I came up with.
Quilt – Etsy
Blue and White Gingham Crib Sheet – Target
Crib Bumper & Crib Skirt – Land of Nod


Small Print – We Are 1976


Small Print – We Are 1976
Doesn’t this look just like {d&k}?! Hehe.


The green train case is from my mom and I’m not even sure how old it is. I’ve been hanging on to it for years, waiting for the perfect way to use and display it. Turns out, a book holder is Mini Mullan’s room is perfect!
Lamp – Hobby Lobby
Books – Various discount stores
Cloth/Foam Blocks – Ikea


Chalkboard is an old window I found and then I painted it with chalkboard paint
Glass doorknobs came off of the antique doors that we currently use as our bed headboard
Mirror – Hobby Lobby
Hangers – Laurie Anna’s
Ruffled Onesie – I have no idea where I bought this from….some online boutique…sorry!
“Love” photo – This was from our wedding photo shoot on the Maumee River in Ohio. Our photographer found rocks that spelled out love…how cute!


This dresser will serve as the changing table.  I, unfortunately, do not have before and after photos. I’m not sure what I was thinking, but pregnancy brain got the best of me. I will tell you that the dresser was completely black with brass knobs. This used to be my dresser when I was little 🙂 I used this photo from Pinterest as my inspiration:





Paper bunting, made by yours truly! I wanted to go with fabric bunting, but I only needed a little bit of fabric. I couldn’t find any remnants that I liked and it didn’t make a lot of sense to buy such a small amount of fabric from the bolt. So, I found cute scrapbook paper that I liked, cut it into triangles (double-sided for extra strength and so it wouldn’t curl), and then hot glued twine in between the two triangles. Voila! Instant bunting! There will also be bunting on the other side of the wall with Mini Mullan’s name, but again, that’s a secret for now 🙂


I made this burlap flower to use as a tie-back for the curtain. I got the burlap at Hobby Lobby for around $3/yard. It is what the name bunting will be made from also.


This little rocking chair was mine when I was younger and I’ve been saving it for a Mini ever since!
I made the crocheted bubble blanket – you can find it on my shop, here.
Red Striped Basket – Hobby Lobby
Stuffed Animals – Various Stores


I’m not sure if you can tell from the photos or not, but the walls are a very light blue, almost white.  When we first moved in, we used this room as a guest room.  I painted the walls blue to go with the antique white bed and red/tan/gingham/rose quilt.  I love light blue and red together.  So, when we found out about Mini, I decided, boy or girl, the room would stay blue and there would be lots of red in there.  Once we found out Mini was a girl, I added in pink.  I’m so happy I kept the walls blue.  I love the color and it keeps the room nice and bright!

Well, there you have it. Another sneak peek of Mini Mullan’s room!! I can’t wait until it is completely finished and I can show you the whole thing. Just wait…it is adorable!

Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy your day,

The shop is full!!

That’s right!

I just added *NEW* items from the Fall/Winter 2012 Collection to my shop on Etsy, The Polka Dotted Pug.

Look at these super cute new accessories for Fall:

Wool Boot Cuffs, in Buttercream. These are the perfect size “leg warmers” at about 5 inches high, they won’t get that bunched up feeling like normal-sized leg warmers or thick socks do. Plus, your boots won’t fit too snuggly now! You are welcome!

This is a super soft, thick, wool cowl neck ribbon scarf. And, it comes in 6 different colors!

This very soft, chunky scarflette comes with large buttons so you can adjust it to fit, keep you warm, or just be cute and trendy. And, it also comes in a mustard yellow!

And, I didn’t forget about the littles. Check these cuties out:

Mix and match hats and flowers! These cute, soft wool hats come in sizes newborn to child (up to size 10) and are perfect for keeping little heads warm.

How cute is this little Elfin hat?! He’s made from super soft, thick wool and will make the perfect winter hat or photo session prop for your newborn or baby (up to 6 months). And, it is available in 6 different colors.

This brightly colored blanket will be the hit of the baby shower! Not a fan of the colors? I can custom make this blanket for you in your favorite colors!

Sorry, friends…just a little shameless self promotion 🙂 But, for sticking it out, I am offering you all FREE SHIPPING for the month of October! Just enter “ilovefall” when checking out. Happy shopping, friends!

Enjoy your day,

The Polka Dotted Pug Giveaway

Hi friends!

So, since you are fantastic friends and very loyal blog followers (thanks for always letting me know when I’m behind…hehe), I’ve decided to give away $25 in credit to my shop – The Polka Dotted Pug!

The Polka Dotted Pug is my Etsy shop filled with my handmade crocheted goodies.  In the shop you’ll find, ear warmers, fingerless gloves, hats, cowl neck scarves, and hats for your littles.  These goodies also make great gifts!

Here’s how you can enter the giveaway:

Become a follower of the blog and leave a comment on my blog with your favorite item from The Polka Dotted Pug

1 Extra Entry for becoming a fan of The Polka Dotted Pug on Facebook

1 Extra Entry for following me on Pinterest

(leave a comment below for each extra entry)

The giveaway will go on all week and I’ll randomly draw a winner on Friday!  Good luck and thanks for being a part of {d&k} awe.some blog!!

Enjoy your day,

Camera Happy


I hope everyone had a great weekend!  {d&k} did.  Ours was super busy, so instead of talking about the entire weekend, I’ll show you in photos.  Yes, I was very camera happy this weekend.  But, I did it all for you, friends!




What do you get when you cross a worn out pug and a bed full of hangers and clothes?  A very uncomfortable sleeping arrangement…or so one would think?!






Charlie = 1  Yarn = 0






{d&k} like to play games.  One of our favorites is “Where’s Charlie?”  Your turn.






I made a few special Christmas gifts for friends.  Can’t wait to ship them out tomorrow 🙂






Siamese pugs?






Trying to work while 2 pugs insist on being on my lap.  At the same time.






Finished a DIY curtain project.  Lovely fabric from a fancy fabric store down the street and a canvas drop cloth from Home Depot = super cute curtains!






So happy Martha found me in Texas!  I was worried she wouldn’t make it.  It sort of sounds like Santa trying to find you if you weren’t in your own bed on Christmas Eve.  Martha is my Santa.  Yes, I am only slightly obsessed with her 😉






The Polka Dotted Pug orders galore!  I was a crocheting machine this weekend!!






{d&k} discovered another Mexican restaurant on Friday night and it was fantastic!  This white cheese dip was like a little bowl of cheesy heaven.  Yum.  And, we got to brush up on our Spanish.  Bonus!  (Pato = duck…which is what k ate. Ew.)






Tried a new beer Friday night.  I bet you can’t guess which one it was.  And, it was delicious!






I volunteered at k’s huge event this weekend, Adopt-a-Family, where I got to assemble and decorate their 20-foot Christmas tree.  So fun!  I, of course, had high school minions to do all of my dirty work, which included anything on a ladder.  I don’t do ladders.






k’s school had enough volunteer families to adopt nearly 100 families to give Christmas gifts to this year.  One of the volunteer families donated 38 bikes!  It was an amazing event and now all of these families will be able to open gifts on Christmas Day.





Since it was a beautiful day, and a high of 56* today, we decided to spend it outside decorating our new house for Christmas.  Doesn’t she look great?!


So, that’s it for {d&k} this weekend.  Thanks for stopping by.

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday Randomness

So, the last few days have been filled with boxes.  Lots and lots of boxes.  I have nightmares that I’m living in a cardboard box, sleeping on a cardboard bed (that is some how supporting {d&k} and the zoo without collapsing yet when I tripped over a box and fell onto it, it did no such thing!).  I wake up in a cold sweat and then I panic that the box bed will get soggy.  Maybe I shouldn’t eat before I go to bed?!  Anyways, the last few days have been a crazy mess of unpacking of said boxes and trying to find a place for everything.  Good news though….the house is completely unpacked and all the boxes are gone!  Wahoo!  I have realized that this house does not have nearly enough storage and I have jammed things into every nook and cranny I could find.  We went from having a basement, garage, attic, and an entire wall of book shelves to none of the above!  But, that’s ok because everything is unpacked!  And, this also means that k cannot be his usual pack-ratty self!  Can I get another Wahoo! for that!?!?

In not so good news…it is cold here!  That’s right, it’s cold in TEXAS!  Wth?  I didn’t sign up for cold weather in Texas.  Now, it’s definitely not as cold as Ohio, but you know me, anything below 80* is cold.  But, it has been very cold here and I can’t seem to stay warm.  The pugs and I were cuddled under a blanket with a small heater on us today!  Now, that’s just sad.  I know.  As soon as I typed it I thought “wow, she is a baby.”  But, like I said, I can’t help that its hard for me to stay warm.  Oh, and remember how I was having an “ooh shiny” moment?  Well, it has been so cold that the towels I put in there to soak up the water were frozen today!  Eep. So, my car is still a swimming pool.  I did park it in the sun today and left all the doors open, which helped to dry up some of the water.  I’m hoping to do the same thing tomorrow, if there is sun (which there better be, Texas. Do you hear me?).

Today I reopened my Etsy shop, just in time for the holidays!  I also added a few Ready to Ship items that will definitely make it in time for Christmas.  Pass the word along, if you know of anyone looking for a great Christmas gift 😉  Here are a few of the Ready to Ship items:

Ready to Ship Slouchy Beret Hat in Charcoal

Ready to Ship Ear Warmer in Marigold

Ready to Ship Ear Warmer in Navy



















In other random news…
Can I just tell you how many people told me that they love Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes too and after reading my post about them almost went out to the store to buy them?!  Haha.  I love it.  Mainly because I’m not alone in my strange, border-line-obsessive love tryst with Little Debbie and her deliciousness of goodies.  We should start a fan club.  But, we can’t eat the goodies, only talk about them.  I’m not condoning obesity and that’s what I would be if I could get my sausage-linky little fingers on a few thousand boxes of those wonderful {drool} goodies.  Ok, done now.  Do not let me near a Target. Do.not.  Ever.

And now, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t leave you with some of {d&k}s random conversations?!  A bad one, that’s what. And, I don’t want to be a bad friend, so here you go…

{d} – Your sideburns are very poufy.

{k} – I know! They are out of control!  Stay down.  Yes, I talk to them sometimes.  Stay down, little buddy.  Calm down.  Lay flat.


{k} – I DON’T NEED TO WEAR PANTS TONIGHT!!!!!!  I can just pull up my socks!
(picture k standing in the middle of the bedroom with a hooded sweat shirt on, undies, and socks pulled up past his knees.  There is about 3 inches of leg showing, the rest covered by either undies or socks.  Hot.  Friends, don’t be jealous of me because I married that.)


Any time k does something goofy, stupid, weird, etc… the first words out of his mouth are, “Crap, you are gonna blog about that, aren’t you?!”  Haha, why yes, yes I am.

Thanks for being so entertaining k!

Until next time, enjoy your day!

The Big Move

Welcome to {d&k} take on the world! Thanks for stopping by for a visit! We hope you like it here…we do!

So, it’s moving week! Eek! So much to do in a very short amount of time. d’s parents and 2 sisters were nice enough to come over and help us pack, which was a huge help! We have a lot of stuff…much more than we realized!

d was pretty stressed out about getting everything packed up and in time for the movers to take it away on Saturday. But, she’s feeling better about it now! Plus, k is now back here from Dallas, so while d is finishing up work Monday – Wednesday this week, k is at home packing. (Which is only fair that k fully experiences the move, hehe).

On top of packing and getting everything taken care of for the big move, d still had her Etsy shop open and was taking orders. Yes, d is nuts! But, after much debate, she put the shop on “vacation” and will reopen it the 1st week of December, after we are settled.

There are still so many things to do! Laundry has been piling up and needs to be done. Utilities have to be transferred. The cats have to go on a trial run to make sure they’ll be able to make the move and not drive us crazy. So tomorrow, we’re giving the cats Benadryl and then we have to drive around for 2 hours to make sure it works. Ugh. Who has time to drive around for 2 hours the week of their big move?! Apparently {d&k} do. So, we decided to head up to Ann Arbor, grab some good food, and head back to T-town. Fun fun fun! Try not to be jealous.

Enjoy your day!!