The Hulk

So, apparently pregnancy brain is still in full effect around here and it gives me hulk-like strength.

Last week, I went to the spare bathroom to get something out of the medicine cabinet.  In the bathroom, the mirror is straight ahead, above the sink, and the medicine cabinet is on the right wall,  next to the mirror.  Well, I went in with a mission to get into the medicine cabinet and then pregnancy brain struck.  Instead of opening the medicine cabinet, I went for the mirror, pulling it right off the wall.

So I’m standing there, holding a giant mirror, wondering what the heck I was doing and why I’m now holding a mirror.  Thankfully, it was just hanging on a few screws, so I didn’t do any damage to the wall.  I then put the mirror back on the wall and started laughing hysterically.  So loud, that dog-cat #2 came to check on me.  Thankfully, K was not home to witness any of this.

Now, every time I go into that bathroom, I see the mirror and start laughing.  And, I have to be extra careful when I get into the medicine cabinet.  I have to make a conscious effort to open the right cabinet and not pull the mirror off the wall.

And, who know I was so strong?!  Watch out world, there’s a new hulk in town!


Anyone else with super human strength when preggo?  No?  Just me?


Enjoy your day,

Great Customer Service

Sadly, I’ve had nothing exciting to post.  We have been very boring lately.  I know!  How can {d&k} have such a boring life?  Haha.  You know what?!  Sometimes that’s okay!  I’ll take a boring life over the crazy, hectic, never-see-my-husband-or-zoo life we had back in Ohio any day.

I did want to share with you my awesome customer service experience today.  I’m a pretty independent person.  If someone asks if I need help in a store, I will almost always say no.  I especially hate those select stores where the employees pounce on you right when you walk in and won’t leave you alone.  I just want to shop in peace, thankyouverymuch.  And, now that I’m preggo and you can noticeably tell (that might be an understatement – I am HUGE), I get asked a lot more if I need help.  And, like I said, I’m independent so I always say no.  Just because I’m pregnant, doesn’t mean I need help loading grocery bags into my car.  Now, if you want to come home with me and put all my groceries away, that’s a totally different story!

But, today was different.  I had to swing by the pet store and get some dog food.  The poor zoo was down to their last few bits of kibble this morning.  Oops.  We live very close to all of the pet store chains, but Pet Supplies Plus is my favorite.  It’s small, I know where everything is, and it’s one of the only stores that carries Elvis’ dog food (because, yes, of course one of my dogs has to be on special food for his epilepsy – yes, of course one of my dogs has epilepsy).  So, I run into Pet Supplies Plus to get 2 bags of dog food.  I know where everything is so it was going to be a very quick trip.  Turns out, I was the only customer there and the employees were overly excited to see me.  I was frightened.  I thought they might not leave me alone.  One of the employees asked me if I needed help finding anything and I said that I did not and that I was just there for 2 bags of dog food.  He started walking with me and said there was no way he was going to let me lift dog food into my cart.  This time, he had a point.  They are pretty heavy bags.  So, I decided to let him help me.  He grabbed the first bag and then led me to where the next bag was.  He threw that in the cart as well.  Then he asked if I needed anything else.  I told him I was going to go look at dog bones and he said he would meet me at the cashier.  A few minutes later I wandered up to the front and he was waiting for me, like he said he would be.  I checked out and he grabbed the cart and wheeled it out to my car for me.  He then loaded the bags of dog food into the back of my car, closed the back, and walked to the front and opened my door for me.  That was so sweet!  He definitely went above and beyond and that made me happy!  I feel like he is the type of employee that would have done that for me whether I was pregnant or not.  Now, whether I would have let him is a whole other story.

So, I just thought I would share that little story with you today and to tell you that if you do not shop at Pet Supplies Plus, I highly recommend it!

I hope everyone is having a terrific week!  I do have a few more things to share with you this week.  And, I promise I will try not to let the blog get so dusty!

Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your day,

9 was a bad choice

So, what’s so wrong with the number 9?!  Well, I had a slight case of pregnancy brain on Saturday and decided it would be a “good” idea to take a walk around the lake.  {d&k} have only been completely around this lake once, and that was by bike.  The trail around the lake is 9 miles.  Yep, that right there.  That’s why 9 is a bad number.

By mile 4.5, we were ready to be finished.  But, since we were already half way, we could have turned and headed back the way we came, or finished the loop around the lake.  At that point, we were already committed to 9 miles.  Ugh.  We were both in pain when we finished.  And, I definitely had a waddle.

We did have a great time and got a fantastic workout. My heart rate monitor said we burned almost 1700 calories.  Turns out, walking for 3 hours is a great workout!

We spent the last 1.5 miles laughing at how stupid I am to think that this was a good idea.  K even asked if for a slight moment, I forgot I was preggo.  Haha.  Maybe I did.  I think that’s where the pregnancy brain kicked in.

And, thankfully, I was only sore the remainder of that evening.  I actually slept really well that night (I can’t imagine why) and woke up feeling great.  So, the 9 miles turned out to be good for me.  Although, getting through them was not the most fun.

And, we also had beautiful weather that day.  It was supposed to rain all day, and instead, it was 82 and sunny.  I even got a little sun burn.  In March, no less.  I’ll take it!

So, lesson learned….when D says, “Let’s walk around the lake!”  K needs to chime in, “NOOOOoooooo!”  We decided 4.5 is the max and at miles 2.25, we turn around and head back.  I like that plan much better.

How was everyone’s weather this weekend?  Did anyone get to spend time outside?


Enjoy your day,


Baby Shower

Holy cow, the Ohio baby shower is over!  Sniff.  It seemed like so long ago that the girls (S&B) and I started planning it.  And now it’s over 😦  It was absolutely amazing and S&B did an awesome job.  Plus, {d&k} were able to see so many friends and family members that we normally aren’t able to see in our short trips home.  It was fantastic getting to catch up and visit with everyone.  It turned out to be a super emotional day for me, and I was not expecting that at all.  You’re probably laughing right now because, of course I was emotional.  What 7 month preggo lady wouldn’t be?!  Anyways, it was so sweet how many of our friends and family came out to celebrate Mini Mullan with us and just to visit with us.  It truly meant a lot to us.  And, that’s what made me emotional, thankyouverymuch.

I just wanted to post a few, okay a lot, of photos from the shower and show you how adorable S&B made it.  They did such a great job and we had a blast.  The next day, we were all a little exhausted, but I’d say it was worth it.
Here are the three mamas…B, D, & S. After we took this photo, we laughed that we automatically lined ourselves up in height and preggo order. Haha. We’re good like that.

Holy cow…we are going to be parents! Seriously, how handsome is K in that bow tie?!?! Love him!

I couldn’t resist posting this photo. K is holding our cousin, Ashton, trying to mimic his face. Too funny!

The FOOD! The girls made everything. It was soooo good. I’m still thinking about that buffalo chicken dip, S. And, we had a Make-Your-Own-Cupcake bar. Yes, that’s correct. It was delicious. Can you tell that 3 preggos planned this shower?!

The Decorate-A-Onesie station. What a huge hit! And, the onesies turned out awesome!

Here are some of the finished onesies. See, aren’t they adorable?!

We also had a Decorate-A-Diaper station where you could leave {d&k} messages, words of encouragement, or just something funny on a diaper for those lovely late night changings…

Onesie cookie favors. They were not only cute, but delicious! Yum!

We asked our friends and family to fill in the blank on our Well Wishes cards. Some were funny, some made me cry, but they were all very sweet! I can’t wait to make a little book for Mini Mullan filled with these so she can see how special her friends and family thinks she is. Such a fun idea!


How fun was our shower?!  We had a blast and again, I cannot thank S&B enough.  You girls rock and I’m so, so lucky to call you my best friends!  I’m glad we are all in this together.  And, I can’t wait to see you in November where we will have 5 little ones between us.  It is going to be such madness.  Fun.  Madness.


Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your day,

Nicholas Sparks, You’re a jerk!

Just kidding, Nicholas Sparks.  I love you.  But you do make me cry.  A lot.

Note:  Never take an already emotional pregnant woman to a Nicholas Sparks movie.  No matter how hard she begs.  And, it will not matter if she’s read the book.  She will still cry.  A lot.

I’ll get back to NS in a moment.
{d&k} had a great weekend.  We had a ton of errands to run, but we still found time to have a little fun.  Ok, a lot of fun.  Minus the crying.  And, k surprised me with Sprinkles Cupcakes!!  He said it was “just because he’s so excited about Mini Mullan.”  Cue “awwwws” now.  I know.  Best husband evah!

So, we decided that we would catch a movie on Sunday, after the usual church and dog park date.  I really wanted to see Safe Haven because 1, I love Nicholas Sparks, and 2, I read the book over the summer and it weaseled its way into one of my favorites.  So, k agreed because 1, he’s an awesome hubby (see above) and 2, there is a cute girl in the movie.  NS, you know how to get the guys there.  And I’m totally okay with it.

So, we had free movie passes (woohoo) and we (and by we I mean k) decide to spend what we would have on the movie on food. Oh boy.  We had slushies, popcorn, and Sour Patch Kids.  My teeth hurt.  So did my stomach.  But, totally worth it.

All I have to say is that I’m glad I shoved those last-minute tissues into my purse.  That would have been a disaster.  I would have totally wiped my eyes and runny nose on k’s shirt.  And, he would have let me (again, see above).  It was a very good movie and stayed pretty true to the book.  Well done, NS, well done.  And, k really liked it too.  And, there may have been tears at the end of the movie, followed by “stupid movie” mutterings under his breath.  That’s my baby!  That right there is why we are perfect for each other.  Neither one of us can make it through a Nicholas Sparks movie without at least getting teary-eyed.

And, I did my fair share of crying throughout the movie too.  I wish I could have saved it for just the end.  But no, not this emotional preggo.  See, that’s where the note comes in.  Remember this, any of you that have an emotional preggo in your life, or if you, yes you the one reading, is an emotional preggo.  See the movie at your own risk.  I will advise you see it at home, in the comfort of your own living room, where you don’t have to hold in the sobs.  That was the hard part.  That and the sniffles.  But, if you are going to see it at home, make sure you have slushies, popcorn, and Sour Patch Kids.  They helped me through it.  Just sayin’.

So, my friends, did you have a good weekend?  Was it as fun and emotional as mine?  Haha, doubt it!

Enjoy your day,