Getting the hang of this…

Hey everyone!  {d&k} are still here!  We have been pretty busy trying to get the hang of this whole parenting thing, haha.  K went back to work full-time this week, so I’ve been busy trying to get things done while Juliet sleeps.  I’ve always been really good at multi-tasking…but I must say, I’m awesome now that I only have a couple of hours to get everything done!  I love it!  I feel so productive, hehe.

Anyways, things are going really well here.  We are having a blast with our little girl, even on the little amount of sleep we get a night.  The sad part is, I’m getting more sleep now with a newborn than I did when I was pregnant.  Haha, I’ll take it!

And, if anyone is wondering…the zoo absolutely loves Juliet!  The pugs are always on “patrol” and won’t let her out of their sight.  Oskar follows me everywhere and will lay right next to me, in order to keep an eye on Juliet.  He was always very protective of me, but now, it’s ridiculous.  I’ve never seen him so alert and ready to pounce on a cat.  Elvis lays next to Juliet every chance he gets and he has stopped trying to lick her face.  I think once he realized she was staying, he didn’t feel the need to claim lick her anymore.  Uma, however, must lick some part of Juliet’s body everyday.  She loves to run into Juliet’s room, sniff her entire body, and then pick a spot to lick.  Thankfully it is usually on her leg or back and not the face.  Ew.  The cats could really care less.  Charlie, dog-cat #1, just started getting close to her.  He began nuzzling her this morning and found that he really liked to nuzzle her diaper.  The diaper was covered in black fur after that, haha.  Sebastian, dog-cat #2, occasionally will sniff her, but that’s about it.  He doesn’t mind her and will lay next to her on the couch…but that’s about it.  I’m really happy that everyone gets along and that the pups aren’t jealous.  It must be exhausting being on patrol all day, because all the zoo does is sleep.  Hah.  I’m not complaining!  It makes for a very quiet house sometimes.

I promise to keep up with the blog and share all of my new motherhood stories with you. But, not until next week…my parents come in town tonight {happy dance} and are here for the weekend!  I can’t wait.  And, this is their first time meeting Juliet!  I’m so excited for this weekend!!  I will fill you all in next week…and you know I’ll have photos!


Thanks for hanging around, even though I’ve been horrible at blogging lately.  I will be better, I promise!

Enjoy your day,

Thank You!

Thank you for all the birthday wishes!  I had a wonderful birthday in Ohio, with friends and family.  And cake.  I had lots of cake.


{d&k} got into Ohio on Wednesday night and were greeted at the airport by k’s parents.  Then, we went to dinner at our favorite Ohio Mexican restaurant {yum}.  On Thursday, {d&k} ran errands, had lunch with friends, and then went to d’s parents for dinner and homemade birthday oreo cookies {yum}.  On Friday, {d&k} ran more errands (it’s amazing how much you have to do when you go home for a visit) and d got to take a birthday nap before meeting friends out for dinner and drinks.  Saturday d was coordinating a wedding all day and k got to spend the day with his parents, which included a trip to the Garrett Ranch to visit my parents and the mini donkeys.  Sunday, {d&k} went out for a birthday lunch with d’s parents, then to visit friends, and finished off their stay in Ohio with dinner at k’s parent’s house.  We had a jam-packed, fun-filled birthday weekend!  For those of you that I was able to visit with, I’m so happy we did!  For those of you that I didn’t get a chance to see, we’ll be back for Christmas…hopefully we can squeeze in something then.



I was a bad birthday blogger.  I managed to snap 3 pictures.  That’s it.  Sad.  Pitiful.  I’ll be better next year.



KT made me a birthday cake! Thanks, KT!  And, I can’t stop eating it.  Must.stop.eating.cake.  It was not my plan to gain 30 pounds on my 30th birthday.  But at this rate, that’s what it’s looking like.

{d&k} at d’s birthday dinner.


k bought d an electric sander for her birthday. Best. present. evah! Thanks, k! And for any one else, if you ever have to get me a gift, tools are always a good idea. Always. Watch out Bob Vila.




Now, it’s back to the real world.  Back to work.  Back to taking care of the dogs.  Back to eating healthy (oof, birthday weekends are full of bad food and cake.  Lots of cake).



And, I get to start on all my projects that have required an electric sander.   Like…refinishing my dining room table, 2 bedroom side tables (they NEED to be turquoise), and I’m sure I can find more.  Anyone need anything refinished or painted?  Bring it on over!



Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your day,






Mini Break

Hello!  I just wanted to let you know that I am taking a mini break and will not be blogging the rest of this week, due to wedding prep and the actual wedding on Saturday.  I can’t wait to tell you all about it next week!

So, I’ll leave with this to remember be by (until next week, hehe):

Don’t judge my pugs’ “dirty” sleeping arrangement.  If any kids are reading, don’t look at the photo (parents, you may have some explaining to do)…


Enjoy your day,

Weekend Photo Overload

Hi there, friends!  As promised, here are quite a few photos from last weekend’s festivities. “Quite a few” is an understatement.  Enjoy!

First – The FOOD photos.  Try not to drool.





* Photo 1:  Black bean and cheese quesadillas. Yum.
* Photos 2 & 3:  Burgers from Twisted Root.  K did not want to pose for that photo…he just wanted to start eating.  Haha.  Sorry to delay you, k.
* Photo 4:  Our very large meal from the Mexican restaurant that didn’t have a menu.  No one told us how much food we would get and that we would have been fine sharing 2 meals between the 5 of us.  Oof.  Well, we know now.
* Photos 5 & 6:  More burgers.  And cheese fries.  Bestest had been looking forward to that moment for months.  She was a very happy and full girl.
* Photo 7:  That pizza was goooooood.  I didn’t even get a chance to take a picture before we started grabbing slices.  I almost lost a hand.  We are dangerous pizza eaters.
* Photos 8 & 9:  The best dessert evah.  Ice cream sandwiches!!  You choose 2 cookies (they can be the same or different) and your choice of ice cream and tadaaaa….best ice cream sandwich evah.  Bestest and I made everyone wait before digging in so we could have our photo-op.  We’re nice like that.

Next up – ANIMALS!  {d&k} took everyone to The Stockyards in Fort Worth, where DW could fit right in with his cowboy boots.  We also went to the Dallas Aquarium and had a blast!





* Photos 1 & 2:  D & bestest made friends with some horses at The Stockyards.
* Photo 3 – We met a few cowboys. Yeehaw!
* Photo 4 – We watched the cattle drive reenactment and that was my favorite long horn.  Isn’t he sweet!?
* Photo 5 – Sara fed a bird at the aquarium.  She was warned, “Don’t worry, he won’t bite” and seconds later he was trying to eat her thumb.  I think the aquarium needs to update their disclaimers!
* Photo 6 – My favorite little guy there…a blind penguin!  He was so sweet and didn’t move from that rock.  We were there in time for their feeding and he just waited patiently until the fish was right by his beak.  After he was done, he was tossed in the water for a swim and he just floated around, happy and full.  I really wanted to take him home but I didn’t bring a big enough purse.  Next time.
* Photos 7 & 8 –  The sea turtle and the manatee were very lively this time.  Both were swimming around and even stopped to pose for pictures.  Thanks, guys!!

Lastly – The RANDOMS






* Photo 1 – I am slightly obsessed with tying toys to Elvis’ head.  And then photographing it. I.can’
* Photo 2 – Bestest & {d&k} took their first trip to Half Price Books.  Heaven.  K and I got 2 business books, 2 cookbooks (one was $10), and 3 novels for $40.  Are you kidding me?  I will be back, Half Price Books, I will.
* Photo 3 – We just had to have our picture with Elvis.  Not the dog. The King.
* Photo 4 – You know me…I always have to have a cute {d&k} photo in my Photo Overload posts.  You’re welcome.
* Photos 5 & 6 – K was sent to jail. Twice. Bad k, bad.
* Photo 7 – My parents, DW & B.  Aw.
* Photo 8 – K & Bestest mocking my parents.  Awkward.
* Photo 9 – Every once in a while k has to stop and ponder “things”.  Good thing there was a giant spur for him to ponder on.
* Photo 10 – Every once in a while k also has the urge to stop and “pose” with large long horns.  Good thing we were near a large long horn.

Well, friends.  There you have it.  That is what I documented from DW, B, and bestest trip to the Big D last weekend.  I hope you enjoyed looking at all of our fun. And food.

Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy your day,