Mini Mullan’s Room, Part 2

Hello friends!

Guess what!?  Mini Mullan’s room is almost finished!! Woohoo!  But, before I show you the entire room, I have another little sneak peek for you.  Are you ready?
This is the changing station. This is hanging directly above the dresser/changing table. It will soon be filled with diapers, wipes, and all things baby! How cute is this?!
Peg Board – Home Depot
Wire Baskets – Home Depot
Burlap Sacks – Laurie Anna’s

This was my inspiration from Pinterest:


I have Mini Mullan’s initial that will hang, but that’s a secret for now 🙂


Here is her adorable crib and bedding. I’m not a matchy-matchy person, especially when it comes to bedding, so I scoured the internet looking for bedding and here’s what I came up with.
Quilt – Etsy
Blue and White Gingham Crib Sheet – Target
Crib Bumper & Crib Skirt – Land of Nod


Small Print – We Are 1976


Small Print – We Are 1976
Doesn’t this look just like {d&k}?! Hehe.


The green train case is from my mom and I’m not even sure how old it is. I’ve been hanging on to it for years, waiting for the perfect way to use and display it. Turns out, a book holder is Mini Mullan’s room is perfect!
Lamp – Hobby Lobby
Books – Various discount stores
Cloth/Foam Blocks – Ikea


Chalkboard is an old window I found and then I painted it with chalkboard paint
Glass doorknobs came off of the antique doors that we currently use as our bed headboard
Mirror – Hobby Lobby
Hangers – Laurie Anna’s
Ruffled Onesie – I have no idea where I bought this from….some online boutique…sorry!
“Love” photo – This was from our wedding photo shoot on the Maumee River in Ohio. Our photographer found rocks that spelled out love…how cute!


This dresser will serve as the changing table.  I, unfortunately, do not have before and after photos. I’m not sure what I was thinking, but pregnancy brain got the best of me. I will tell you that the dresser was completely black with brass knobs. This used to be my dresser when I was little 🙂 I used this photo from Pinterest as my inspiration:





Paper bunting, made by yours truly! I wanted to go with fabric bunting, but I only needed a little bit of fabric. I couldn’t find any remnants that I liked and it didn’t make a lot of sense to buy such a small amount of fabric from the bolt. So, I found cute scrapbook paper that I liked, cut it into triangles (double-sided for extra strength and so it wouldn’t curl), and then hot glued twine in between the two triangles. Voila! Instant bunting! There will also be bunting on the other side of the wall with Mini Mullan’s name, but again, that’s a secret for now 🙂


I made this burlap flower to use as a tie-back for the curtain. I got the burlap at Hobby Lobby for around $3/yard. It is what the name bunting will be made from also.


This little rocking chair was mine when I was younger and I’ve been saving it for a Mini ever since!
I made the crocheted bubble blanket – you can find it on my shop, here.
Red Striped Basket – Hobby Lobby
Stuffed Animals – Various Stores


I’m not sure if you can tell from the photos or not, but the walls are a very light blue, almost white.  When we first moved in, we used this room as a guest room.  I painted the walls blue to go with the antique white bed and red/tan/gingham/rose quilt.  I love light blue and red together.  So, when we found out about Mini, I decided, boy or girl, the room would stay blue and there would be lots of red in there.  Once we found out Mini was a girl, I added in pink.  I’m so happy I kept the walls blue.  I love the color and it keeps the room nice and bright!

Well, there you have it. Another sneak peek of Mini Mullan’s room!! I can’t wait until it is completely finished and I can show you the whole thing. Just wait…it is adorable!

Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy your day,

Photos I’ve been meaning to post but have been too lazy to upload from my phone…

I think the title says it all.  It really only takes a minute to plug my phone into my computer and transfer the photos over.  But, there’s this thing called laziness that has taken over me.  So, that “long” walk back to the office, the act of getting the cord out of the drawer and plugging in the phone, then hitting the buttons to transfer the photos really didn’t sound appealing.  Until now.  I felt bad for my blog followers.  I haven’t been keeping up my end of the bargain.  I’ve been letting the photos slip.  So, here you go.  Random photos from my phone, since, well before Christmas.  Enjoy!
Sebastian got his fancy pants brushed. He was very excited to show them off for you. He spent the whole day strutting his stuff around the house. Who knew…brushing your fancy pants makes you feel sexy. Go Sebastian, go!

K helped me make Christmas cookies. One recipe called for K to mix the peanut butter and other ingredients by hand. K thought it would be a good idea to let the pups help him clean the peanut butter off his fingers. Meanwhile, I had no idea this was happening and I just hear lots of little girly giggles. I walk to the other side of the island to find this. Yes, it really was this gross. And, K is terrified of animal mouths. What possessed him to let the pugs lick his fingers?! And poor Oskar’s nubby teeth don’t allow for easy peanut butter pick up, so he bites. Poor K. Poor Oskar. Happy, fat Elvis.

Sworn enemies become best friends when it’s cold outside. Especially if your sworn enemy is as furry as Sebastian. Who needs a blanket?!

Oskar’s newest trick is to jump on the couch and hide in the pillows when we’re not looking. Then, he will wiggle down low so we can’t see him, or so he thinks. Too bad we can see him and he’s just so darn cute that we let him stay up there.

Oskar found the perfect way to sleep. Body in one bed, head in another.

He also perfected the proper tail placement when sleeping:
Tails need to be comfortable too. Especially cute little chubby ones.

I made a new blanket for K’s parents for Christmas. It was a lot of fun making it. Not so much fun sewing it all together. Especially when all Elvis wants to do is run through it.

Here’s the finished product, all sewn together:
I took a 2 week break from crocheting after this. I might make another blanket like this someday. Once I forget how long it took to sew together. Maybe.

We saw the fattest squirrel ever at K’s parents cabin. Huge.  And, she would chase away any other squirrels that tried to eat from the feeder. That’s my kind of squirrel. We don’t share. Get your own food.

I got to meet this handsome little man for the first time over Christmas. Isn’t he adorable?! And, that’s a pretty stylish shirt, if I do say so myself. Yes, I bought it for him, if you couldn’t guess.

The game is…Where’s Oskar?!

Well, that’s what you missed the last few weeks. Nothing too exciting. Sorry about that. And sadly, the photos are mostly of the animals. I can’t help it, they are just so darn cute. Plus, in a few months you will have baby overload so enjoy the animal photos now!

Next up is a fantastic dose of Inappropriate or Awesome. Get excited!

Enjoy your day,

K’s Funnies

So, I secretly write down all of the goofy things k says so I can later blog about them.  Funny?  Yes.  Sneaky?  Definitely.  Evil?  Possibly.  But, k hardly ever keeps up with what I’m blogging about, so he doesn’t know.  Shhhh, don’t tell him.

Here are some of his latest goodies:

{d} – I think Sir Pennington would be a great cat name.

{k} – It’s Lord Pennington!  And that’s Brittany’s cats name on Glee.  Geez.

{d} – Wow.  How do you know that?!

{k} – I watch Glee.  So what.  {Googling}  Aw man, its Lord Tubbington.  So close!


{d} – You fight like Pokemon.

{k} – You smell like Pokemon!

{d} – What?! Pokemon smells great!  He’s a Picaccu!


{k} – What’s the worst thing that could happen when you are standing up to pee?

{d} – I have a pretty long list.  Do you want them all?  Missing the toilet, peeing on your leg, peeing on your shoe…

{k} – No!  What’s the worst thing??

{d} – Those all seem pretty bad.

{k} – It’s an earthquake.

{d} – What?!  Is this what you talked about at your work meeting tonight?!?

{k} – No.  What’s the second worse thing?

{d} – {blank stare}

{k} – The lights go out.  I know this because it happened to me.  Tonight.  At 7-11.

{d} – Ew.  You went to the bathroom at 7-11?!?  That’s right by our house.  You couldn’t wait?!?

{k} – No!  It was an emergency!  Anyways, I went in and there were 3 light switches….On, Auto, and Off.  Auto was flipped up so I waved my arms until the lights came on.  Then, I went over to do my thing and the lights went off.  So I had to wave my arms again to get them to come back on.  Then they went off again.  This happened a few more time.  It wasn’t pretty.

{d} – Hold on….can you start over?  I need to blog this ridiculousness.


{k} – I think it would be really funny if you crocheted yourself into your blanket.  {Insert evil laugh}


Well, there you have it.  That’s my husband and soon to be father.  Wow.  There are no words.


Enjoy your day,

Yarn, Yarn, and more Yarn

Hi friends!  If anyone is in the DFW area this Saturday, 12/1, stop by Jesuit HS for their Christmas Bazaar from 9 – 5.  I will have a booth for The Polka Dotted Pug and you can stop by and say hi.  I’d love to see you all!


I signed up for the bazaar back in September and ended up not making the cut.  There were a lot of returning vendors from past years and they get preference over newbies like me.  So I was bummed for a bit and then got over it.  No big deal.  Then, about 2 weeks ago I got an email saying that a vendor cancelled and I was at the top of the wait list.  Did I want the booth?  Heck yes!  It’s a bigger booth, and more expensive, than I originally signed up for but I can fill it.  Or so I thought.

I have been a crocheting machine these last 2 weeks.  I am going to get arthritis.  I don’t keep a lot of stock for my shop because it’s hard to determine what colors people will choose.  So I basically had to make everything. And, enough to fill a craft fair booth from 9-5.  Eep.

I thought I was doing well.  I really did.  But now, I’m starting to panic.  I only have a few days left to finish all of these things.  And the quick items, like scarves (which I made 9 last night!) are finished.  Now all that’s left is the time-consuming (more so than the scarves) items.  Ugh.  Fingers crossed I finish everything in time.

This is a photo of me last weekend when I thought I had everything under control.  Note the smile.  The small stash of yarn.  Well, that’s not at all what I would look like now if you took my picture.  And, it looks like the yarn store threw up in my office right now.  Dog-cat #2 keeps bringing me yarn balls he finds in the office.  I think he’s telling me to crochet faster.  I don’t even stop him from going in the office anymore.  Let’s face it, I need all the help I can get.

I’m off to finish crocheting some baby hats, some boot cuffs, and fingerless mitts.  If you don’t hear from me in a few days, I’ve gone insane.  Just a heads up.


Enjoy your day & stop by the Bazaar,

Random Photos Found on my Phone

I was uploading photos from my phone to my computer and I found some good ones to share with you!

K’s cast is off! Look at how wrinkly his hand is! He thinks his hand still smells and he’s mad that I refuse to smell it. Ew.

I have some really great little helpers! They don’t mind modeling and testing sizes for me. I often find dog-cat #2 laying on my unfinished crochet projects. I think he’s telling me to make him something.

It was cold enough to wear slippers last weekend. Not anymore. It’s been in the mid 80s all week. But, this weekend it will be down in the 50s. Good thing I kept my slippers out!

I told k the only thing that would make my hand feel better was this giant pink unicorn. He told me to keep walking. Well, after the photo shoot, of course. Thankfully, the splint is off my hand, the swelling is almost gone, and I am down to 1 band-aid. Woohoo! I’m still milking it to get more time away from dishes duty. Shhh, don’t tell!

It’s a “ruff” life, but someone has to live it.

Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your day,

The Polka Dotted Pug Giveaway

Hi friends!

So, since you are fantastic friends and very loyal blog followers (thanks for always letting me know when I’m behind…hehe), I’ve decided to give away $25 in credit to my shop – The Polka Dotted Pug!

The Polka Dotted Pug is my Etsy shop filled with my handmade crocheted goodies.  In the shop you’ll find, ear warmers, fingerless gloves, hats, cowl neck scarves, and hats for your littles.  These goodies also make great gifts!

Here’s how you can enter the giveaway:

Become a follower of the blog and leave a comment on my blog with your favorite item from The Polka Dotted Pug

1 Extra Entry for becoming a fan of The Polka Dotted Pug on Facebook

1 Extra Entry for following me on Pinterest

(leave a comment below for each extra entry)

The giveaway will go on all week and I’ll randomly draw a winner on Friday!  Good luck and thanks for being a part of {d&k} awe.some blog!!

Enjoy your day,

Prepare for overload…

So, I warned you last post…
I said there would be lots and lots of photos…
Welp, here you go, friends.  Enjoy {d&k}s week in photos!  (Well, technically it’s only Christmas weekend in photos.  But you understand…{d&k}s week in photos sounds so much better than {d&k}s Christmas weekend in photos.  Right?  RIGHT?!?).



Photos 1-3:  Dallas knows how to do lights!  These houses were beautiful!
4:  k got me a Keurig for Christmas.  Best-gift-for-a-coffee-lover-EVAH!
5:  This is how k wrapped and labeled all his gifts to me.  Keep it classy, k.
6:  Baked goodies galore!  {d&k} made cupcakes in mason jars for all of k’s coworkers for Xmas.  Fantastic gifts, people.  Try it.


d’s been a busy little crocheter!
1:  Little Kourtney is wearing her new Elfin hat for Christmas.  Look at those cheeks!
2:  d made her first sweater!  It was a gift for k’s mom and she loved it!


1:  Random texts between Big E, d’s brother, and d.  Maybe I should start a whole new blog…Big E’s Texts.  I like it.
2:  “Wait, mom…it seems someone’s in danger.  I think Timmy feel in the well again.”  {d&k} love their goofy cat!


1:  Mexican Fiesta Christmas Dinner = HUGE SUCCESS!  I think everyone should have their favorite food on their favorite holiday.  And, I highly recommend Cranberry Margaritas (cranberry juice, tequila, triple sec, lime juice = yummmmmm)!
2:  Da na nana, da na nana, da na nana BAT PUG!  Poor Elvis.  He puts up with so much.  (I’m not sure I have enough nana’s.  It’s hard to sing and type at the same time.  Try it and get back to me).
3:  k knows the way to a girl’s heart.  A huge Dr. Pepper Slurpee from 7/11.  Now that’s love.

I have more photos on their way in the next post.  I know, I know, you are on the edge of your seat waiting for those, aren’t you?!  I mean, my life is soooo exciting that you just can’t wait to read about it.  Ha!  I’m flattered. Thank you.  But, really.  Go on with your lives.  My blog posts will be here when you get back.  You really don’t have to sit by your computer waiting for my next, ultra-interesting, absolutely hilarious, zoo cuteness overload blog post.  You really don’t.  Oh, you want to?  Well, in that case, who am I to stop you.  While your waiting, please enjoy some music:
“Da na nana, da na nana, BAT PUG, BAT PUG, BAT PUG!”  You.are.welcome.

Enjoy your day,