Getting the hang of this…

Hey everyone!  {d&k} are still here!  We have been pretty busy trying to get the hang of this whole parenting thing, haha.  K went back to work full-time this week, so I’ve been busy trying to get things done while Juliet sleeps.  I’ve always been really good at multi-tasking…but I must say, I’m awesome now that I only have a couple of hours to get everything done!  I love it!  I feel so productive, hehe.

Anyways, things are going really well here.  We are having a blast with our little girl, even on the little amount of sleep we get a night.  The sad part is, I’m getting more sleep now with a newborn than I did when I was pregnant.  Haha, I’ll take it!

And, if anyone is wondering…the zoo absolutely loves Juliet!  The pugs are always on “patrol” and won’t let her out of their sight.  Oskar follows me everywhere and will lay right next to me, in order to keep an eye on Juliet.  He was always very protective of me, but now, it’s ridiculous.  I’ve never seen him so alert and ready to pounce on a cat.  Elvis lays next to Juliet every chance he gets and he has stopped trying to lick her face.  I think once he realized she was staying, he didn’t feel the need to claim lick her anymore.  Uma, however, must lick some part of Juliet’s body everyday.  She loves to run into Juliet’s room, sniff her entire body, and then pick a spot to lick.  Thankfully it is usually on her leg or back and not the face.  Ew.  The cats could really care less.  Charlie, dog-cat #1, just started getting close to her.  He began nuzzling her this morning and found that he really liked to nuzzle her diaper.  The diaper was covered in black fur after that, haha.  Sebastian, dog-cat #2, occasionally will sniff her, but that’s about it.  He doesn’t mind her and will lay next to her on the couch…but that’s about it.  I’m really happy that everyone gets along and that the pups aren’t jealous.  It must be exhausting being on patrol all day, because all the zoo does is sleep.  Hah.  I’m not complaining!  It makes for a very quiet house sometimes.

I promise to keep up with the blog and share all of my new motherhood stories with you. But, not until next week…my parents come in town tonight {happy dance} and are here for the weekend!  I can’t wait.  And, this is their first time meeting Juliet!  I’m so excited for this weekend!!  I will fill you all in next week…and you know I’ll have photos!


Thanks for hanging around, even though I’ve been horrible at blogging lately.  I will be better, I promise!

Enjoy your day,

Yay, moms!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there and to those who are about to be moms (like me)!  I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday.

Since I am going to be a mom in a month (holy cow, time to freak out), K was super sweet and treated me to my own Mother’s Day.  He made me breakfast – pancakes and eggs – yum!  And, he got me a few new charms for my Pandora bracelet.  I can’t tell you what two of them are because they are Mini Mullan’s initials, but he did get a little teddy bear and Mini’s birthstone, assuming she’s born in June.  This was such a sweet and thoughtful gift!  Thanks, k!

We then spent the rest of the day playing with the pups at the dog park and had a horrible time trying to get Elvis out of the water.  All he wanted to do was play fetch in the pond.  We eventually had to hide his toy and he followed us around whining.  Poor thing!  And, Uma was in rare form.  She went swimming three times!  And for her, swimming is just taking a dip in the shallow end of the pond.  We are not sure she knows how to swim.  But, she did splash around and dunk her head under water!  There must be something in that pond water that makes dogs hyper because as soon as she got out she started running and trying to get other pups to chase her.  Normally at the dog park, Uma just wanders around, peeing on things and sniffing other dogs.  She was having a blast yesterday.  And now today, she is still sleeping!

How did you spend your Mother’s Day?  No matter how you spent it, I hope it was fantastic!


Enjoy your day,




79 days

I just saw a countdown today.

It scared me.

It said 79 days until Mini Mullan’s arrival.

79 DAYS!  Holy cow.


We’ve been very busy getting ready for Mini Mullan’s arrival.  I thought we were doing okay.  That is, until I saw the 79 number on the countdown.  79.  That’s not that many days.

We had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and Mini Mullan is doing great!  She’s right on schedule.  Keep up the good work, little one!  And, we had to register for the childbirth class.  Eep.  I’m not really looking forward to this.  I think this class is going to make me worried, scared or have anxiety that I really don’t want.  I’ve been pretty good up until this point.  Not really worrying about anything, especially not delivery.  Maybe because it seemed so far off.  Damn you, 79 days.  I also haven’t been worrying about that because she has to come out one way or another, haha.  And, I really like and trust my doctor, so I’m not worried about the process.  But, I’m sure this class will change all of that.  And, I’m not going to lie.  I’m naive.  I like it in my bubble.  It’s clean and warm.  Perfect for this little germaphobe.  I’m okay with not knowing things.  Really okay.  And, so is K.  He’s a fight or flight kind of guy.  If he knows too much going in, he’s likely to pass out.  No joke.  Head on the floor.  We’ve already warned our doctor.  So, the less he knows, the better.  We’ll see how this class goes.  You may see a bit more panicky posts from me.  You’ve been warned.

We also had to register at the hospital.  Yep, this just got real.  Aside from the wiggly, little alien inside of me, trying to claw her way out, it hasn’t really felt that real yet.  And now, dun, dun dun, it does.  That, and the fact that we’ll be seeing our doctor every 2 weeks now.  That makes it real.  Oh yeah, and those pesky 79 days.

And today, we went and interviewed a daycare.  We really liked it and we hope they turn out to be the best one for us.  We are still looking into a few others, just for comparison.  But so far, we think we know who we want to go with.

So, see…I think I’m doing okay for only 79 days out.  Right?  RIGHT?!?!  Someone tell me yes so I can stop freaking out.  And, the nursery is finished.  That’s huge.  And, we have one more shower here in Texas to look forward to and then we’ll be all set.  I hope.  Fingers crossed.

Well, we do need to work on dog-cat #2.  I think he’s going to be the one affected by Mini Mullan the most.  He’s pretty attached to me.  He has to be on my lap every chance he gets.  I’m worried he’s going to try to lay on top of the baby while I’m holding her.  I wouldn’t put it past him.  And, he’s already tried nesting in her crib.  That is why her door must remained closed at all times.  I can definitely see dog-cat #2 cuddling up with her in her crib.  Did I say cuddling?  I meant smothering.  Have you seen how fluffy he is?!  So, any suggestions on how to get an overly attached cat ready for a baby?  I’m not worried about the pups and dog-cat #1 at all.  The pups love kids and become very protective little watch dogs.  And, dog-cat #1 could care less.  He’ll ignore and avoid her and me at first.  Then, when he realizes I’m still feeding him and he still gets to sleep with me at night, we’ll be best friends again.

Well, there you have it.  79 days until Mini Mullan.  Get ready, world.


Enjoy your day,



Just call me stuffed

Yep.  Stuffed.

Full of food.

Food coma.

{d&k}s Thanksgiving was amazing!  In case you were wondering….I did it!  I made my very first turkey without burning it or the house down.

And, the turkey was GOOD!  Yes!

We had so much food, we are still eating leftovers.  I’m not complaining.  I love leftover Thanksgiving food.  I’ve had it almost every night since.  Yum.  I might actually have to cook when I run out.  Boo.

After our dinner we went to cook Thanksgiving dinner for the Ronald McDonald House families.  We had a great time.  We fed around 100 people, about double what we normally feed.  It was great that they were able to come back to the House, get a home cooked meal, and then spend the evening with their kiddos in the hospital.  I think this might be our new Thanksgiving tradition.

How about you?  How was your Thanksgiving?  Any traditions?

And, here are some photos of {d&k}s Thanksgiving.  Please take a moment to admire my cute little, not-burnt, turkey.

The turkey!

Our spread. Yum!  (All that for two people – yep, I can’t cook for just two).

d’s plate. Note the canned, jellied cranberry sauce. YUM!

Little plates for the pups. They deserve a Thanksgiving dinner too!


I hope you all had a very wonderful Thanksgiving, shared with family and friends.

Enjoy your day,


The dogs are weasels.  Sneaky little things.

Always wanting…

on the couch.

more food.


to sleep in my bed.

to sleep under my covers.

to go for walks.

to bark at the neighbors, squirrels, cars, cats, birds, cat noises, weird noises, any noises.

There are so many more things that make them weasel-y, but we’ll stop the list there.  So, I compiled some photos that shows off their weasel-iness.

Can I please sit on the couch next to you? Look into my sad eyes…

Nothing to see here mom. Just two pups, laying next to each other, minding our own business.

Mine. My covers. I don’t want to share right now, mom.

Mom, I’m gonna need you to move my bed up a little more. Follow that sun ray!


Those little weasels are lucky they are so darn cute.  They could get away with murder and I’d still love their faces.  Weasels.


Enjoy your day & your weasels,

And now it’s gone

Thank you all for the anniversary wishes!  {d&k} had a great time last night.  K took d out to dinner at their favorite restaurant, Spaghetti Warehouse.  We’ve been there every year on our anniversary.  We don’t eat pasta all that often, so when we do it should be a splurge for a special occasion.  And trust me, we ate last night!  Oof.

After dinner we wandered around downtown Dallas for a bit, realizing it is still too hot here for an evening stroll.  When we got home, we loaded the couch up with the pups and cuddled in for a tv show and wine.  It was a pretty wonderful anniversary, if I do say so myself.

And now, just like that, it’s over.  Back to normal.  Another wonderful year of being married ahead of us.

Enjoy your day,

My Unhealthy Obsession with Fireworks

Happy 4th of July!  I hope you all had an amazing time!

{d&k} had a great time!  We spent time with friends and saw fireworks on July 3rd and 4th!  Wahoo!

I love, love, love fireworks.  They are probably one of my favorite things in the world.  I know, I’m weird.  I can’t help it.  This year’s fireworks were fantastic!  And, the best part is, I got to see them with k!!  Over the last few years, k was always working on or around July 4th, so we didn’t get to watch fireworks together.  Sometimes I would tag along with friends, but it wasn’t the same.  I wanted to watch them with him!

Now that we are in Dallas and less busy, we get to see fireworks together!  Yay!

This year we saw two very good shows and I spent the whole time “ooh-ing” and “ahh-ing” all while k and our friends made fun of me.  Thanks guys!  Don’t be jealous of my love for fireworks.  I can’t help it they are the coolest!


We also spent a lot of time in the pool and we are a little lobster-like right now.  K has been trying really hard to get rid of his “golfer” tan.  Right now, it looks like he is always wearing a white t-shirt and socks.  Hot.  Especially when it looks like he’s wearing socks with sandals.  Yes, I give you permission to make fun of him.


Here’s a little peek into our 4th:

Here are the pugs sitting & patiently waiting for ice cream to celebrate Elvis’ birthday.


Uma, enjoying her ice cream.  Maybe I should have given her a bigger bowl?!


Enjoying the pool!


Enjoying the pool even more with our “adult capri suns” (If you haven’t tried these yet, you should! They are delicious!!)


On our way to the fireworks!


And, there you have it.  A little peek into our 4th of July.  What did you do to celebrate the 4th?


Enjoy your day,






Smile…it’s Friday!!  


Happy Friday everyone!  Elvis hopes you have a wonderful weekend.  We have a pretty uneventful weekend planned, which I am really looking forward to.  I have lots of cleaning to catch up on.  And I really want to sleep in.  Yep, fun times around here, folks.  Sunday we are going to take the pups to the dog park and then we’re heading up to the lake for a bike ride.  What are your plans for the weekend?


Enjoy your weekend,
{d&k} and Elvis too!

Doppleganger {d&k}

Ok, so not a look-alike {d&k} but we did meet another {d&k} couple.

We were at a gala on Friday night and at our table, actually sitting next to us, was another Dani & Kevin.  Seriously.  How weird is that?

I’ve never met another couple with our names.  Sure, I’ve met other Kevins and other Danis…heck, we have friends named Dani and Kevin.  But never another Dani & Kevin couple.  We were all shocked by it.

And, it’s just so random.  Out of the 7 million people in the Dallas Metroplex, and then out of the 3,000 people at the gala, we sit next to another Dani & Kevin.  The world feels smaller now, somehow.

And the new Dani & Kevin were very sweet and funny.  We decided we all need to get together soon because it was just too weird that we all met.  It has to be a sign or some sorts.


Well, that’s my randomness from the weekend.  I have a lot more to share with you, including pictures.  Get excited.  I also have to write about my weekend projects that I have yet to do, hehe.  It was cold here.  I mean, in the 30s.  What the pluck, Texas?!  And, it snowed here last night.  I know all of my Ohioans are doing a little happy dance right now.  And I deserve that.  I have been taunting them for months with our warm, Texas “winter”,  but don’t dance for too long.  It didn’t stick.  Ha!  So, I’m not sure it can even be counted.

And, guess what?!  My parents and bestest will be in on Thursday & Friday!  Yippee!!  I can.not wait.  I miss them all so much!  K is super excited too.  We can’t wait to show them around our new city and enjoy really, really good food.  Oh, and the pups all got a bath yesterday (photos coming soon) so they smell good not-so-bad-anymore for their grandma and grandpa (or, as we have to say around here so they don’t get fired up, g-ma and g-pa).


Happy Monday!
Enjoy your day,