Yay! Another Countdown!!

{d&k} have so many fun things coming up to look forward to.  So, I thought it was appropriate for another countdown!!

11 Days until Tara (one of my bestests) will visit the Big D

30 Days until I’m back in Ohio to see the oh-so-beautiful Rob Thomas and Matchbox 20 with Sara (eep!)

41 Days until {d&k} are back in Ohio/Michigan for our bestests to throw Mini Mullan a baby shower (eep!)

And…are you ready for this…

140 Days until Mini Mullan graces us with her presence (eep!  panic!  eep!)


Wow, that’s a lot to look forward to!  I’d say, just based on that, 2013 is going to be a fantastic year!


Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy your day,